FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get water & sewer?


Wells and septic systems are permitted in the Town of Murphy under specific circumstances only. All property owners with an accessible water main located within 300 feet of their lot, and an accessible sewer main located within 200 feet of their lot, are required to hook-up to the Town system. Customers needing sanitary sewer service must have a water connection. To inquire about getting water and sewer service, please call 828-837-2510, ext.1 or ext.4

How do I know what water/sewer line I am responsible for?


The customer is responsible for the water line beyond the Town of Murphy's meter, which is placed as close to the property's edge as possible. The customer is responsible for their sewer lateral from their property to the edge of the street pavement (DOT/Town Maintained Streets are treated the same).

Who do I call after hours if I have a water or sewer emergency?


Call dispatch at 828-361-2863.

Who do I call if I have murky water?


The Town conducts a flushing program that can temporarily disrupt the distribution system and private water lines. It is recommended that the customer flush their faucet continuously for about 5-10 minutes if this occurs. If the issue is unresolved, call the Town of Murphy at 828-837-2510, ext. 4.